Albert’s Sharp-Shooting Days With The Gun Club
The great love of Albert Glassnap’s life was his guns. In his bachelor days he loved to hunt. After his marriage, he became very active in the Appleton Rifle and Pistol Club. In the early and mid-thirties, before the club had it’s own range, he often went out to Harry Hassinger’s farm, west of Appleton, to shoot. Often Albert’s little daughter, Joyce, was with him and several times Harry generously gave her an Indian arrowhead or two that he had dug up in his fields while plowing. Perhaps Harry donated some of his land to the gun club in those early days because the club was located very near his farm. The terrain sculpted a natural backstop for their range there. They started out small by building a little tar-paper shack at the front of their shooting range. Later years they expanded the building and included an indoor range as well. Albert was quite a sharp-shooter in those days. He spent many long hours in target practice. His early interest in guns was in Mauser and Mauser-type bolt action rifles. He later started a Smith and Wesson revolver collection, and after World War II, his great love was collecting Luger pistols. He had a fantastic collection which was his pride and joy in life.
TOP LEFT: Albert takes aim in the prone position at the Wisconsin State Pistol and Rifle Club meet. He always had one of the top scores.
LEFT CENTER: Albert (in the white shirt) watches the meet with some friends from the Appleton Rifle and Pistol Club. Carlton Root sits with his arm resting on the stand and John R. E. Miller sits between them.
BOTTOM LEFT: Albert (in the white shirt) stands enjoying the meet with Carlton Root.