Emma’s Worrisome World War II Years
Emma spent many sleepless nights praying for her servicemen. UPPER LEFT: Emma’s son, Pvt. Delbert Aldrich, fought with General Patton’s 95th division of the third army. He received the Combat Infantryman’s Badge for exemplary conduct in action against the enemy and also the French Liberation Medal. LOWER LEFT: Her Grandson, George (Melvin) Verhagen, enlisted in the Coast Guard and was engaged in four major invasions in both the Atlantic and Pacific: the Normandy, Southern France at Nice, Iwo Jima and Okinawa invasions. UPPER RIGHT: Her grandson Wilbert Verhagen also enlisted in the Coast Guard and was stationed in Puerto Rico. LOWER RIGHT: Merlin Verhagen enlisted in the U.S. Navy and fought aboard the U.S.S. Pensacola in the Pacific.