Welcome Home, Family
These pictures were all taken either during World War II when our servicemen were on leave or shortly after the war ended.
UPPER LEFT: Melvin Verhagen in his Coast Guard bell-bottom trousers.
UPPER CENTER: Melvin gives his Aunt Cecil Aldrich an affectionate hug. Everyone was always so happy when the boys were home on leave.
UPPER RIGHT: Merlin Verhagen, who was a sailor in the Navy, is with his sister, Carol. Family members appreciated one another more deeply during the war years when it was so evident just how fragile life can be.
LOWER LEFT: There was a real feeling of comradeship between Wilbert Verhagen (left) and his uncle Del Aldrich (right) when they were both home on leave at the same time. They looked so handsome in uniform.
LOWER CENTER: Wilbert and Del pose with Will’s little brother, Kenny Verhagen, on Delbert’s shoulder. Kenny has his little uniform on too.
LOWER RIGHT: Delbert holds Kenny Verhagen while Harold Aldrich (Del’s older brother) and Albert Glassnap (his brother-in-law) look on.