These are all pictures of Estella and Al during their years of courtship. They dated off-and-on from mid-1926 until their marriage in 1932. Top left: Albert is standing next to his big touring car. He tried to teach Estella to drive this car but she was a slow learner where driving was concerned. One day when he took Stella, Cecil and Harold out for a ride he decided to let Stella drive. They had the top down and Al and Harold were sitting on the folded top with their feet on the back seat. Stella never did get the hang of using the brake to slow the car down when needed. They came to a high-bedded railroad track and Stella never slowed down. They went over the track like a roller-coaster ride. Al bounced up in the air and when he came down the car was gone. He tried to run to catch up but Stella couldn’t remember how to stop so she went around the block and picked him up on the fly. Estella wasn’t very mechanically inclined. She never did learn to drive, which was just as well for the rest of the world. There were too many near-disasters for comfort! Top Right: Albert’s pride and joy! He needed it to date Stella because they lived about twenty-five miles apart and it was big enough to hold all the friends and relatives too. The other pictures of the two of them are all taken during their dating years from 1926 through 1932.