In the top photo, he was an agent-telegrapher at some unknown station. He held a number of those jobs when he worked the extra board after he was married. He is directly in the middle with a train crew (consisting of conductor, engineer, fireman and brakeman) on the left and executives from Chicago on the right. They were no doubt promoting good will between the Chicago headquarters and the railroad workers. In the bottom photo he is at the Chicago Northwestern Depot in Kimberly, Wisconsin, where he worked as a telegrapher for about twenty years. You can see how high the ceilings were and how the heat would have collected up there in winter. Bill Kumbier, who became his daughter, Ruth’s, father-in-law, was the depot agent there. Carl Senior worked three separate jobs in Kimberly during the depression: telegrapher, mail handler, and he was also the Western Union man. It stretched him very thin, but it kept his family fed during that exceptionally hard economic time. He was a very hard worker and provided for them well.