Hickory Grove Sanitarium was a county institution which was established to care for the tubercular patients of Brown County, Wisconsin, the county in which the Aldrichs lived. It was about 1929 or 1930 that Estella must have contacted tuberculosis, that dreaded disease formerly called consumption, that had taken so many lives through the centuries. She entered the “san”, hoping to stay for only a short while until she could put on a little weight and get her strength back again. She ended up staying there three long and dreaded years. She didn’t want to stay, so after her fever abated and she felt some better, they asked her to help with some light work in the kitchen and cafeteria to try to keep her there longer. This was during the Great Depression and jobs were hard to find, so she stayed and worked. Her Aunt Ada Aldrich was also a patient there during part of that time. On March 18, 1931 Ada died of consumption in Hickory Grove with Estella at her bedside. For years Stella wouldn’t admit to having had TB, but many years later, she was finally able to talk about it. Those were very trying years for her.
UPPER LEFT: Hickory Grove Sanitarium was located south of De Pere, Wisconsin on Lost Dauphin Road along the Fox River.
UPPER RIGHT: One of Albert’s many visits to Hickory Grove. He often brought some of Estella’s family along with him. (Left to Right) Albert Glassnap, Estella and her brother, Harold Aldrich on the right. She appears to be in better health here than in the picture at the left.
LEFT: Estella is with some of the patients and staff at Hickory Grove. She is front and center in the picture. Notice the deep circles under her eyes. She is obviously quite ill here, probably about 1930.
BELOW: Estella is with her Aunt Ada Aldrich during happier years before their residency at Hickory Grove (about 1921).