TOP LEFT: Albert Glassnap’s grandson, Kurt Krieser, takes time out to give Sport a little love and a pet. She was a very gentle, affectionate dog. After Albert’s death, Joyce found a good home for her but she lived less than six months after Albert died. She died of cancer and no one knew she had it until about a month or two before she died. Her new owners mourned her loss terribly.
TOP RIGHT: This picture of Rex was taken in October of 1979. He was a perky little fellow and a good pet for Albert, who became very attached to the little fur-baby. He grieved so deeply after losing him, we wondered if it contributed to his heart attack.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Little Bob, Albert’s last dog. The morning after Albert’s death, Joyce went over to feed him and take him back home. She stopped to tell one of Albert’s friends about his death and a young girl there said, “Oh, look! It’s Toto!” She found a good home for him within a few days time, so he was well cared for.