TOP LEFT: Beau Brummel, a horse of good breeding but stubborn, yet well mannered when he knew you meant business.
CENTER LEFT: Fashionette Dare with her filly, The Captain’s Dare, at Black Creek, Wisconsin after Mr. Pfeil had closed the riding club.
BOTOM LEFT: Joyce with the filly. Nancy and Joyce had biked out there.
TOP RIGHT: Flaxen, a gentle giant of about 17 hands high. The once he got frisky and unexpectedly jumped a large puddle on a turn Joyce was unseated and wrung her knee. Her dad said, “You’re going to have trouble with your knees when you get older”. Father knows best. He was right!
BOTTOM CENTER AND RIGHT: (left to right) Joyce Glassnap (age 14) on Hero, a fantastic trotter; Nancy Harriman on Edgemore, a mean, stubborn pacer who bit and kicked; and Joyce Larsen on Legacy, a beautiful 5 gaited mare.